This used to be a page with a joke connecting phenylketonuria, a rare metabolic disease, and M. Night Shamalan's movie Signs. I've taken it down. Because:

1. It wasn't that good of a joke.
2. Phenylketonuria can be pretty tough to deal with and the joke was very insensitive.
3. Probably the only people seeing this page anymore are people who are searching for information about PKU so they can help with a loved one. The joke is completely inappropriate in this context.

Unfortunately, I did not have the forsight to remove this page on my own. Someone was brave enough to contact me about this page letting me know that feelings had been hurt. I'd like to thank that person again for doing this.

If you were one of the people who was hurt or offended by this page, I want to profusely apologize. I'm sorry.

Since my guess is most people are getting to this page searching for information on PKU, I'm going to try and get a list of sources on the internet here that I can link to. If you can help, please email me at sanjay at cowbirdsinlove dot com.

Lastly, while this seems like a complete retraction, it is not. I still maintain that the movie Signs has a completely ridiculous premise and is a crappy movie. If you were offended by THAT part of the joke, I am not apologizing whatsoever.

I'll send you back to the essence.