Often times when men don’t have anything better to do, they debate over whether Belle or Ariel from Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid respectively is hotter. This is a rare occurrence for three reasons, the first being that all men, even losers, should have something better to do. The second reason is that the debate is hardly balanced. Sure, both of them are weirdos for falling for someone outside of their respective specie, but that’s about where the equality ends. Any guy that doesn’t have “almost bringing about the ruin of one’s father and kingdom” on his list of turn-offs should seriously get it there, because you don’t want to be messing with that. The third reason is the debate is usually avoided is because it is irrelevant which one of them is hotter, because a different Disney character is clearly way hotter than both of them put together. I speak, of course, about Shan Yu from Mulan. What makes Shan Yu so desirable? Besides being ruggedly handsome and charismatic, he lives life based on knowledge we all share in common, and we all love to have things in common. For this part of the three part series, Sanjay Presents Common Knowledge, I present to you the following piece of common knowledge:

Violence is sometimes the answer.

You hear a bunch of lies on the street, and one of them is that violence is never the answer. That’s not true, and it is common knowledge that it is not the case. But, for the benefit of those of you that believed the hype, here is a list of situations in which violence is the answer:

When someone slaps you with a glove
When you slap someone else with a glove
When you really want to clothesline someone
When you need to act in self defense
Boxing Day
When you want to get the title from the champion
When someone asks you what a good name for a set containing punching, kicking and missile launching

You might be thinking that the last one is more a situation of when “violence” is the answer, rather than a situation when violence is the answer, but if someone really asked you a stupid question like that, it is common knowledge that you should probably hit them upside with a steel chair.

Sanjay Presents Common Knowledge
I’ll send you back to the essence.