A common guideline ending romantic relationships is avoid four very important dates: Valentine’s Day, Christmas, your soon to be ex’s birthday and your anniversary. It causes unnecessary trauma and at least in the case of Christmas you might miss out on material goods. Commonly, one is advised to avoid these days when starting a relationship as well. The reasoning behind this is that all of these days can be extremely awkward if the relationship in question has not had time to mature. This advice is, however, the product of rushed judgment without fully weighing out the pros and cons. Sure, it will make the day uncomfortable and weird, but the payoff will be tremendous after only one year. With your anniversary overlapping with another one of the four, you need remember 25% less and buy 25% less. Also, it gives you a .27379% increase in the number of days in the year that you can break-up with your sweetie. It’s good to keep your options open.
Mr. Saint Valentine and a visual pun.
Anyway, here we are celebrating that some dude tried to help some couples out so he got killed. Sounds good to me. Nobody should get away with helping stupid people, and if those couples were anything but, they would have just rented a car and driven to Vegas. Preferably they’d get a DeLorean so they could time travel to when there were rental cars and Vegas. Time paradox? Maybe, but when you’re in love you can do anything.
I am a way better date doctor than Alex 'Hitch' Hitchens.